Learn to live free from




social media.




video games.

food addiction.


And cultivate a life so joyous, you won't ever crave an escape or distraction.

30-day money-back guarantee

Today, addiction impacts virtually everyone

But, for any number of reasons, few know how to cope.

Don't know where to start

Even if you do not consider yourself an "addict," you likely know there are certain habits interfering with your best life. Taking the first steps toward improvement without proper guidance and support can feel daunting, even impossible.

Don't know where to start

Even if you do not consider yourself an "addict," you likely know there are certain habits interfering with your best life. Taking the first steps toward improvement without proper guidance and support can feel daunting, even impossible.

Constant temptation

In our hyper-connected world, temptations and triggers are everywhere, making it incredibly easy to fall into patterns of addiction. Without effective strategies, it's nearly impossible to remain connected to your authentic Self.

Constant temptation

In our hyper-connected world, temptations and triggers are everywhere, making it incredibly easy to fall into patterns of addiction. Without effective strategies, it's nearly impossible to remain connected to your authentic Self.

One-dimensional solutions

Most approaches to habit change and recovery are singularly focused, dogmatically adhering to one defined modality. They fail to address the holistic spectrum encompassing mind, heart, body, and soul.

One-dimensional solutions

Most approaches to habit change and recovery are singularly focused, dogmatically adhering to one defined modality. They fail to address the holistic spectrum encompassing mind, heart, body, and soul.

You are not alone.

Addiction is not a binary condition but rather a spectrum, and in modern times, nearly every individual finds themselves somewhere on this scale. Addictive tendencies can take the form of substance abuse or compulsive behaviors.

Some but not all include: alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, pharmaceuticals (Oxy, Adderall, Xanax, etc.), street drugs (meth, crack, heroin, etc.), processes (disordered eating, gambling, sex, etc.), technology (social media, shopping, videos games, porn, etc. ), and even work, status, or exercise.

Designed for those with mild-to-moderate dependencies, especially working professionals, this course distills my insights as a person in recovery and an innovator in the field, applying my unique perspective on what I call "Modern Addiction" and its "Awakened Recovery."

At some fundamental level, we all chase objects and experiences, believing that something outside of us will make us happy. And virtually any object or experience can become addictive, especially those designed to be so—ahem, social media!

Yet our modern era offers remarkable tools for self-discovery and growth. Understanding that addiction recovery is an individual path, this course combines varied methods—behavioral, somatic, psychological, and spiritual—to equip you with a "meta move" for overcoming modern addictions and enhancing every facet of your life.

This course will help you…

Gain a deeper understanding of modern addiction

Gain a deeper understanding of modern addiction

Gain a deeper understanding of modern addiction

Equip you with a set of practical, no-cost modalities, tools, and practices including many often overlooked in traditional treatment

Equip you with a set of practical, no-cost modalities, tools, and practices including many often overlooked in traditional treatment

Equip you with a set of practical, no-cost modalities, tools, and practices including many often overlooked in traditional treatment

Reduce your screen time and digital distractions

Reduce your screen time and digital distractions

Reduce your screen time and digital distractions

Harness the wisdom of your body

Harness the wisdom of your body

Harness the wisdom of your body

Harmonize your emotions and parts

Harmonize your emotions and parts

Harmonize your emotions and parts

Tap into the deeper spiritual dimension of Awakened Recovery

Tap into the deeper spiritual dimension of Awakened Recovery

Tap into the deeper spiritual dimension of Awakened Recovery

Learn the "meta move" by trying a lesson for free

Get a sneak peek into the course and try one of the lessons for free. In this lesson, I will help you understand the fundamental energy underneath addiction and how to re-direct it towards healthy pursuits while building new neural pathways.

Who is this course for?

This course was designed with great care to meet the individual yet universal needs of anyone living in society, including working professionals.

You should join if…

There's one (or more) addiction in your life that you are ready to earnestly give up

There's one (or more) addiction in your life that you are ready to earnestly give up

You are willing to try new methods, tools, and approaches

You are willing to try new methods, tools, and approaches

You are curious about contemplative and spiritual practices for recovery

You are curious about contemplative and spiritual practices for recovery

You're already in a recovery program and you want to grow your toolkit and expand your potential

You're already in a recovery program and you want to grow your toolkit and expand your potential

You should NOT join if…

You are struggling with *severe* addiction that requires in-person treatment

You are struggling with *severe* addiction that requires in-person treatment

If you know, deep down, that you don't have an earnest desire to put this course into practice

If you know, deep down, that you don't have an earnest desire to put this course into practice

You’re not willing to try approaches involving breathwork, meditation, or self-inquiry

You’re not willing to try approaches involving breathwork, meditation, or self-inquiry

A secular yet spiritual approach is unappealing to you

A secular yet spiritual approach is unappealing to you

You don't like dudes with thinning, long hair

You don't like dudes with thinning, long hair

What you'll learn in this course

This course will give you a deeper understanding of contemporary addiction and provide you with practical tools to overcome it.

Behavioral and environmental change

Learn the science of habit change

Understand the intelligence of your addiction

Implement simple, daily, structual changes

Cultivate positive reinforcement

Behavioral and environmental change

Learn the science of habit change

Understand the intelligence of your addiction

Implement simple, daily, structual changes

Cultivate positive reinforcement

Screen and tech addiction 

Learn to treat screens like drugs to escape the dopamine loop

Establish harm reduction around tech use

Weekly screen time tracking

Community support for accountability

Screen and tech addiction 

Learn to treat screens like drugs to escape the dopamine loop

Establish harm reduction around tech use

Weekly screen time tracking

Community support for accountability

Body and somatics 

Learn a body-first approach to recovery

Nervous system regulation

Breathing exercises for somatic state changes

Discover somatic resourcing

Body and somatics 

Learn a body-first approach to recovery

Nervous system regulation

Breathing exercises for somatic state changes

Discover somatic resourcing

Heart and emotions

Learn to work with cravings

Befriend your emotions

Apply “Parts Work” for addiction

How to help others help you

Heart and emotions

Learn to work with cravings

Befriend your emotions

Apply “Parts Work” for addiction

How to help others help you


Discover an easy approach to meditation

Expand your identity

Learn to take "micro-hits" of awareness

Guided meditations


Discover an easy approach to meditation

Expand your identity

Learn to take "micro-hits" of awareness

Guided meditations


Define your unique recovery

Create your ecology of recovery practices

Allow recovery to guide spiritual awakening

Recover your soul


Define your unique recovery

Create your ecology of recovery practices

Allow recovery to guide spiritual awakening

Recover your soul

I found my time in Alex's Life Not Wasted program deeply meaningful. It's often difficult for those without serious addictions to find the right support. Like many, I aspire to use my phone less, drink less, and lead a more awake and purposeful life where I can feel good and make a positive impact. The program's concise lessons were valuable, focusing on both physical care and nurturing the heart and soul.

Heidi Harmon

Former Mayor of San Luis Obispo


I found my time in Alex's Life Not Wasted program deeply meaningful. It's often difficult for those without serious addictions to find the right support. Like many, I aspire to use my phone less, drink less, and lead a more awake and purposeful life where I can feel good and make a positive impact. The program's concise lessons were valuable, focusing on both physical care and nurturing the heart and soul.

Heidi Harmon

Former Mayor of San Luis Obispo


What's included in the course

What's included in the course

What's included in the course

Lifetime access to a dynamic, multimedia curriculum adapting to your learning style and empowering you to thrive.

Lifetime access to a dynamic, multimedia curriculum adapting to your learning style and empowering you to thrive.

Actionable and easy-to-consume video lessons

The course video lessons are short and to the point, making the material easy to watch and digest. They dive deep into different aspects of combatting modern addictions and provide actionable practices and exercises to help you live a more fulfilling life.

Infographics + text descriptions to help master the material

The course includes visual aids and detailed explanations that break down complex ideas into easily digestible formats, making the material more accessible and memorable. By providing multiple ways to engage with the course content — video, audio, and text — you'll be better equipped to master the techniques for overcoming modern addictions and creating a more balanced lifestyle.

Guided exercises, meditations and visualizations

The guided exercises, meditations, and visualizations in the course are carefully crafted to support your journey toward overcoming addiction. These practical tools are designed to be easily implemented in your daily routine, helping you develop mindfulness, manage stress, and cultivate a more expansive mindset. By consistently applying these practices, you'll not only overcome addiction but transform your entire life.

Contemplation and reflection practices

The course's contemplation and reflection practices offer avenues for profound personal insight and growth. These exercises prompt you to pause, critically examine your experiences, and gain deeper understanding of your behaviors and thought patterns. Through regular self-reflection and self-inquiry, you'll cultivate greater awareness and enhance your ability to effect meaningful changes in your life.

I’m Alex, an addiction specialist and your instructor for the course

Hi there, I'm Alex, an addiction specialist dedicated to elevating a fresh perspective on recovery. This topic is dear to my heart — I'm a survivor of a polysubstance addiction that nearly killed me.

As a practitioner of somatic psychotherapy, group facilitator, writer, and entrepreneur, I've dedicated thousands of hours to helping people overcome addiction. My words have been featured in publications such as Newsweek, Tablet, Psychology Today, RealClear Politics, and The Australian. I co-founded Natura Care Programs, an innovative non-profit that uses psychedelics to overcome addiction, and I've coached some of the world's brightest founders and CEOs through their often secret, supposedly "high-functioning" addictions.

My approach incorporates evidence-backed protocols, somatic healing, spiritual wisdom, and common sense to help individuals break free from the chains of addiction and awaken to a life of profound transformation and wholeness. 

Hi there, I'm Alex, an addiction specialist dedicated to elevating a fresh perspective on recovery. This topic is dear to my heart — I'm a survivor of a polysubstance addiction that nearly killed me.

As a practitioner of somatic psychotherapy, group facilitator, writer, and entrepreneur, I've dedicated thousands of hours to helping people overcome addiction. My words have been featured in publications such as Newsweek, Tablet, Psychology Today, RealClear Politics, and The Australian. I co-founded Natura Care Programs, an innovative non-profit that uses psychedelics to overcome addiction, and I've coached some of the world's brightest founders and CEOs through their often secret, supposedly "high-functioning" addictions.

My approach incorporates evidence-backed protocols, somatic healing, spiritual wisdom, and common sense to help individuals break free from the chains of addiction and awaken to a life of profound transformation and wholeness. 

Course Curriculum

Detailed course curriculum which covers everything you will learn during the course.

I: Begin right now with the obvious

This section covers the foundational behavioral and environmental components of Awakened Recovery. It is inspired by the brain science of dopaminergic reward cycles, research on habit change, radical self-ownership in our modern era, harm reduction, spiritual practice, and just plain common sense.

Do this first

Invitation: set an intention for this course

Establish your morning and daily rituals

Treat screens like a drug and escape the dopamine loop

Invitation: create a mindfulness setting on your phone and start tracking your screen time

Invitation: nurture the part of you that wants to heal

II: Make Addiction Work for You

III: Body

IV: Heart

V: Mind

VI: Soul

Bonus content

I: Begin right now with the obvious

This section covers the foundational behavioral and environmental components of Awakened Recovery. It is inspired by the brain science of dopaminergic reward cycles, research on habit change, radical self-ownership in our modern era, harm reduction, spiritual practice, and just plain common sense.

Do this first

Invitation: set an intention for this course

Establish your morning and daily rituals

Treat screens like a drug and escape the dopamine loop

Invitation: create a mindfulness setting on your phone and start tracking your screen time

Invitation: nurture the part of you that wants to heal

II: Make Addiction Work for You

III: Body

IV: Heart

V: Mind

VI: Soul

Bonus content

I: Begin right now with the obvious

This section covers the foundational behavioral and environmental components of Awakened Recovery. It is inspired by the brain science of dopaminergic reward cycles, research on habit change, radical self-ownership in our modern era, harm reduction, spiritual practice, and just plain common sense.

Do this first

Invitation: set an intention for this course

Establish your morning and daily rituals

Treat screens like a drug and escape the dopamine loop

Invitation: create a mindfulness setting on your phone and start tracking your screen time

Invitation: nurture the part of you that wants to heal

II: Make Addiction Work for You

III: Body

IV: Heart

V: Mind

VI: Soul

Bonus content

Get the course today

You can join Life Not Wasted with a one-time payment for lifetime access. No recurring charges. 

Life Not Wasted Course

Get locked in at the Beta price and start on your journey today.



one-time fee

You'll get access to…

50 easy-to-digest lessons

Video lessons, somatic exercises, guided meditations, & writing exercises

Screen-time reduction tutorials

Lifetime access + all new updates

One 60-min 1:1 coaching session with Alex

Student reviews

Don't just take my word for it. See what our students say about the course.

Sam Sager

Entrepreneur specializing in systems of self-renewal

I first connected with Alex’s work on modern addiction when I was exploring how to reset my relationship with coffee. His course, Life Not Wasted, opened my eyes to all the subtle addictions (like my phone use) that were holding me back, and gave me a holistic path to move through them. I love how the course focuses on practical daily actions to nurture the whole self and open fully to life.

Sam Sager

Entrepreneur specializing in systems of self-renewal

I first connected with Alex’s work on modern addiction when I was exploring how to reset my relationship with coffee. His course, Life Not Wasted, opened my eyes to all the subtle addictions (like my phone use) that were holding me back, and gave me a holistic path to move through them. I love how the course focuses on practical daily actions to nurture the whole self and open fully to life.

Gonzalo Barrera Borla

Machine Learning Engineer

For more than a decade, I've been a heavy daily cannabis user, and for nearly as long, I've felt that my relationship with it hasn't been healthy. Even though I've sincerely wanted to quit for years, it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago, after starting LNW, that I managed to take the first real, solid, consequential steps towards it. Sometimes, what you need isn't a grandiose intervention but a firm yet gentle nudge. For me, Alex's LNW course and the community he's cultivating around it provided just that.

Gonzalo Barrera Borla

Machine Learning Engineer

For more than a decade, I've been a heavy daily cannabis user, and for nearly as long, I've felt that my relationship with it hasn't been healthy. Even though I've sincerely wanted to quit for years, it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago, after starting LNW, that I managed to take the first real, solid, consequential steps towards it. Sometimes, what you need isn't a grandiose intervention but a firm yet gentle nudge. For me, Alex's LNW course and the community he's cultivating around it provided just that.

Łukasz Nowak

Hypnosis Facilitator

This course is a remarkable offering. It distils Alex’s extensive knowledge and experience in recovery, spirituality and health into a curated collection of techniques and perceptual shifts which really get to the heart of what modern addiction in all its myriad forms reveals: that life can be far richer and more expansive when we move beyond the fixations of addiction. This course should form the foundation of all recovery programs.

Łukasz Nowak

Hypnosis Facilitator

This course is a remarkable offering. It distils Alex’s extensive knowledge and experience in recovery, spirituality and health into a curated collection of techniques and perceptual shifts which really get to the heart of what modern addiction in all its myriad forms reveals: that life can be far richer and more expansive when we move beyond the fixations of addiction. This course should form the foundation of all recovery programs.

Learn to free yourself from that one monkey on your back

Gain a deeper understanding of modern addiction and learn practical techniques to joyously overcome it

Got questions? I got answers.

Have questions that I didn't address here? Email hello@deepfix.co and I will get back to you.

Why "Life Not Wasted?"

While I believe no human life is ever "wasted," the incessant draw of modern addictions can make us feel like we're squandering our existence, sedated into complacency by distractions and instant gratification.

"Not Wasted" is also a play on words, encouraging a life free from numbing intoxicants and instead learning to love how you naturally feel.

I think I do X too much, but I’m unsure if I’m ready to cut X entirely out of my life. Is this course right for me?

Yes. This course will help you understand the hidden intelligence behind your addictive patterns, no matter what they are. You'll discover how your behavior, even when it seems counterproductive, often serves to shield you from facing scary or uncomfortable emotions.

As you progress through the intro lessons, you'll also learn to streamline your decision-making process, especially around the very question you're asking now. The fact that you're inquiring about this shows that you're already aware, on some level, of the needless distress you might be putting yourself through.

How much time will it take to complete the course?

I’ve worked hard to make the lesson digestible in terms of length. Most of the video modules are 3 to 8 minutes long, and you can watch, listen, or read the helpful text below that has infographics. There are also guided meditation and exercises that range from 6 to 15 minutes in length.

But please note: while the videos are digestible in terms of length, this course is not meant to be binged in one or two sittings—it is, after all, a course about addiction recovery! It’s best to give yourself time to let the course material sink in and incorporate the practices into your life before moving on to the next section. 

Is there an option to receive more personalized support?

Yes. You can choose to select 1:1 coaching on the checkout button above. I will then email you within 24 hours to schedule our session so you can hit the ground running.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes. If you've immersed yourself in the course, finished all the modules, reflections, and invitations, and still haven't found it beneficial, I don't want to keep your hard-earned money. That's why I offer a money-back guarantee within the first 30 days. Simply email me, and I'll make it right.

What’s “Modern Addiction”?

Modern Addiction is a spectrum that nearly *everyone* in contemporary society finds themselves on, ranging from mild to life-threatening. It encompasses dependencies not just to substances like drugs and alcohol, but also to behaviors and processes like social media, pornography, gambling, shopping, food, work, and technology. Modern Addiction is fueled by a societal “set and setting” that predisposes everyone to addictive patterns through the incessant pull of consumerism, instant gratification, and dopamine-driven feedback loops.

Although appearing harmful, these addictive patterns frequently function as an intelligent, protective mechanism to shield people from confronting painful emotions and unresolved psychological wounds. Nevertheless, when left unaddressed, Modern Addiction inevitably leads to an unconscious “reciprocal narrowing” of perspective and sources of fulfillment, trapping individuals in a vicious cycle of seeking external solutions for internal discomfort.

What’s “Awakened Recovery”?

Awakened Recovery is a holistic, integrative approach to overcoming Modern Addiction. It engages all dimensions of the self—body, heart, mind, and soul. Rather than just focusing on abstinence, it aims for inner transformation and liberation. Awakened Recovery involves simple behavior changes, rekindling presence and connection to the body through somatic inquiry and nervous system regulation, opening the heart and learning to process emotions in healthy ways, expanding the mind and meta-cognitive awareness through practices like meditation and parts work, and recovering one’s soul by exploring spirituality, individuation, and communal service. It harnesses the underlying energy and intelligence beneath addiction and redirects it toward more constructive, nourishing pursuits.

Awakened Recovery is the daily practice of “reciprocal opening”—a progressive expansion of perspective and sources of fulfillment, leading one back to their inherent wholeness. By consistently engaging in an ecology of recovery practices, individuals gradually rewire their neural pathways, cultivating resilience and the capacity to navigate modern existence with grace and relative ease. Ultimately, Awakened Recovery is the path of spiritual awakening, a coming home to one's timeless, eternal Self.

What’s “digital addiction” and what’s your perspective on it?

Digital addiction refers to the compulsive and excessive use of digital devices, such as smartphones, computers, and tablets, to the point where it interferes with daily life, relationships, work, and mental health. It is characterized by an inability to control or reduce the time spent on digital activities, despite negative consequences. 

Nowadays, it's not unusual for individuals to spend a staggering 5 hours or more on their mobile devices daily, with some even reaching 8 hours or beyond. One doesn't need to be a psychologist to recognize that this excessive screen time is a disaster to overall well-being and human flourishing. 

While digital technology is undoubtedly a powerful and beneficial tool, it's also one of the most insidious and dangerous drugs of our time. Just as we should with any other potentially harmful substance, we need to approach screens with caution and practice harm reduction strategies.

Harm reduction is a pragmatic approach that seeks to mitigate the negative health and social consequences of addictive behaviors while improving overall quality of life. By recognizing the risks associated with excessive screen time and taking proactive steps to manage our digital habits, we can harness the benefits of technology without sacrificing our well-being and human potential. 

Imagine trying to achieve long-term recovery while subsisting on a diet of greasy fast food and shunning physical activity. It's a near-impossible feat, much like attempting to sustain recovery while being perpetually glued to your digital devices.

Does the “Beta” version mean the course will change over time?

Yes, this is the very first version of the course. I’m proud of what I’ve created in the Beta version, but I don’t plan on stopping here. I intend to keep improving the course over time.

If you join now, you'll get lifetime access to all future improvements, no matter how much better the course gets. And you’ll be locked in at this price point forever, even if it increases in the future, which it likely will. 

Why "Life Not Wasted?"

While I believe no human life is ever "wasted," the incessant draw of modern addictions can make us feel like we're squandering our existence, sedated into complacency by distractions and instant gratification.

"Not Wasted" is also a play on words, encouraging a life free from numbing intoxicants and instead learning to love how you naturally feel.

I think I do X too much, but I’m unsure if I’m ready to cut X entirely out of my life. Is this course right for me?

Yes. This course will help you understand the hidden intelligence behind your addictive patterns, no matter what they are. You'll discover how your behavior, even when it seems counterproductive, often serves to shield you from facing scary or uncomfortable emotions.

As you progress through the intro lessons, you'll also learn to streamline your decision-making process, especially around the very question you're asking now. The fact that you're inquiring about this shows that you're already aware, on some level, of the needless distress you might be putting yourself through.

How much time will it take to complete the course?

I’ve worked hard to make the lesson digestible in terms of length. Most of the video modules are 3 to 8 minutes long, and you can watch, listen, or read the helpful text below that has infographics. There are also guided meditation and exercises that range from 6 to 15 minutes in length.

But please note: while the videos are digestible in terms of length, this course is not meant to be binged in one or two sittings—it is, after all, a course about addiction recovery! It’s best to give yourself time to let the course material sink in and incorporate the practices into your life before moving on to the next section. 

Is there an option to receive more personalized support?

Yes. You can choose to select 1:1 coaching on the checkout button above. I will then email you within 24 hours to schedule our session so you can hit the ground running.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes. If you've immersed yourself in the course, finished all the modules, reflections, and invitations, and still haven't found it beneficial, I don't want to keep your hard-earned money. That's why I offer a money-back guarantee within the first 30 days. Simply email me, and I'll make it right.

What’s “Modern Addiction”?

Modern Addiction is a spectrum that nearly *everyone* in contemporary society finds themselves on, ranging from mild to life-threatening. It encompasses dependencies not just to substances like drugs and alcohol, but also to behaviors and processes like social media, pornography, gambling, shopping, food, work, and technology. Modern Addiction is fueled by a societal “set and setting” that predisposes everyone to addictive patterns through the incessant pull of consumerism, instant gratification, and dopamine-driven feedback loops.

Although appearing harmful, these addictive patterns frequently function as an intelligent, protective mechanism to shield people from confronting painful emotions and unresolved psychological wounds. Nevertheless, when left unaddressed, Modern Addiction inevitably leads to an unconscious “reciprocal narrowing” of perspective and sources of fulfillment, trapping individuals in a vicious cycle of seeking external solutions for internal discomfort.

What’s “Awakened Recovery”?

Awakened Recovery is a holistic, integrative approach to overcoming Modern Addiction. It engages all dimensions of the self—body, heart, mind, and soul. Rather than just focusing on abstinence, it aims for inner transformation and liberation. Awakened Recovery involves simple behavior changes, rekindling presence and connection to the body through somatic inquiry and nervous system regulation, opening the heart and learning to process emotions in healthy ways, expanding the mind and meta-cognitive awareness through practices like meditation and parts work, and recovering one’s soul by exploring spirituality, individuation, and communal service. It harnesses the underlying energy and intelligence beneath addiction and redirects it toward more constructive, nourishing pursuits.

Awakened Recovery is the daily practice of “reciprocal opening”—a progressive expansion of perspective and sources of fulfillment, leading one back to their inherent wholeness. By consistently engaging in an ecology of recovery practices, individuals gradually rewire their neural pathways, cultivating resilience and the capacity to navigate modern existence with grace and relative ease. Ultimately, Awakened Recovery is the path of spiritual awakening, a coming home to one's timeless, eternal Self.

What’s “digital addiction” and what’s your perspective on it?

Digital addiction refers to the compulsive and excessive use of digital devices, such as smartphones, computers, and tablets, to the point where it interferes with daily life, relationships, work, and mental health. It is characterized by an inability to control or reduce the time spent on digital activities, despite negative consequences. 

Nowadays, it's not unusual for individuals to spend a staggering 5 hours or more on their mobile devices daily, with some even reaching 8 hours or beyond. One doesn't need to be a psychologist to recognize that this excessive screen time is a disaster to overall well-being and human flourishing. 

While digital technology is undoubtedly a powerful and beneficial tool, it's also one of the most insidious and dangerous drugs of our time. Just as we should with any other potentially harmful substance, we need to approach screens with caution and practice harm reduction strategies.

Harm reduction is a pragmatic approach that seeks to mitigate the negative health and social consequences of addictive behaviors while improving overall quality of life. By recognizing the risks associated with excessive screen time and taking proactive steps to manage our digital habits, we can harness the benefits of technology without sacrificing our well-being and human potential. 

Imagine trying to achieve long-term recovery while subsisting on a diet of greasy fast food and shunning physical activity. It's a near-impossible feat, much like attempting to sustain recovery while being perpetually glued to your digital devices.

Does the “Beta” version mean the course will change over time?

Yes, this is the very first version of the course. I’m proud of what I’ve created in the Beta version, but I don’t plan on stopping here. I intend to keep improving the course over time.

If you join now, you'll get lifetime access to all future improvements, no matter how much better the course gets. And you’ll be locked in at this price point forever, even if it increases in the future, which it likely will. 

An online course to break free from your addiction and rediscover joyful living

Copyright © 2024 Deep Fix, LLC. All rights reserved.

An online course to break free from your addiction and rediscover joyful living

Copyright © 2024 Deep Fix, LLC. All rights reserved.